My car got broken into.
Well, technically not broken because I think I forgot to lock the door.
Overnight Saturday/Sunday someone got in my car and rifled through everything. Even overturning Iggy's bed to see what he might be hiding. At first I thought only my pepper spray and pocket knife were missing.
And then I remembered the valet key.
I keep it in the armrest and never use it. It opens the doors and runs the engine but can't get into the trunk. And it is gone. My thief could have taken the car at this point but didn't.
I don't know if my thief was very smart or very stupid for not taking the car. Either he/she didn't know well enough that the key ran the car and just liked the 8-ball key chain. Or was smart enough to not want the hassle of car theft.
I'm just afraid that he/she will come back. If stupid, will talk to someone else who says, "I can't believe you were so stupid to not take the car. Give me the key and I'll go get it." Or smart, I'll sell the key to someone who wants the hassle.
So I have introduced myself to The Club and am thinking about a secondary alarm system on the car. And I found this map which is both cool and disturbing. Crime Map
Wish me luck.